Numbering Information for international carriers



Information on telephony numbering in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg E.164 Country Code: +352 on telephony numbering in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg E.164 Country Code: +352<div style="text-align:justify;">Luxembourg has a closed numbering plan with currently variable length of numbers. Thus, there are no national prefixes and all nationally dialed digits of a number are relevant for international dialing. N(S)Ns in Luxembourgmay currently start with any digit from 0 to 9. There are no area codes so that numbers in the fixed telephony service can be used throughout the country and they have no geographic connotation.</div><div style="text-align:justify;"> </div><ul style="text-align:justify;"><li><div><div>All mobile telephone numbers commence with digit '6' and are nine digits long.</div><div>From November, 2017, the used ranges are : 621, 628, 651, 655, 658, 661, 668, 671, 678, 681, 691 and 698.</div></div></li><li><div>Range 60 is opened from June 15th, 2009 and should be used for telematics applications.</div></li><li><div><a href="" target="_blank">The list of number ranges in use</a></div></li><li><div><a href="" target="_blank">List of Carrier Codes</a></div></li></ul><div style="text-align:justify;">This information is provided by Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation. <a href="">Contact details can be found here</a>.<br></div>Numbering Information for international carriers5/3/2016 9:00:00 AM2022-11-08T11:42:08Z